Step onto your mat and into your truth with this Vin/Yin Soul Flow class, where movement and stillness unite in authentic self-expression.

Rooted in the yogic principle of Satya (truthfulness), this practice invites you to explore what feels true in your body, breath, and spirit.

We’ll begin with a playful and rhythmic Vinyasa sequence, flowing freely to soulful beats that inspire movement from the inside out. This dynamic portion of class encourages exploration, creativity, and the courage to move in a way that feels most genuine to you.

As we transition into the Yin portion, we shift from movement to deep introspection, finding space to listen to our inner voice. The practice culminates in Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)—a powerful inversion that activates the Throat Chakra, encouraging clarity, truth, and self-expression.

Throat Chakra

  • Chakra: Throat 
  • Color: Turquise
  • The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) is the energy center associated with truth, communication, self-expression, and authenticity. It governs both how we express ourselves outwardly and how we listen and receive truth from others.

Suggested Reading

The Yamas & Niyamas

The Yamas & Niyamas – Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practices

Quote of Week

“My biggest fear is that everyone I know will be in the same room at the same time and I won’t know who to be.”

— Deborah Adele

Playlist of the Week

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Lake Ann Community Yoga

Wander with Direction’s Earth Awakening Yoga Season, runs from February 18 to March 25.
Classes are held on Tuesday mornings at 9 AM at the Almira Town Hall.