Soulful Santosha is a dynamic and heart-centered yoga flow designed to cultivate contentment and joy in the present moment.

Rooted in the niyama of Santosha (contentment) and guided by the truth of Satya, this class invites you to “Let go, Let Flow.” Moving in rhythm with a funk-infused playlist, the practice awakens the Heart Chakra, the energy center of love and connection, encouraging you to embrace gratitude and openness. The flow builds from grounding stretches and fluid sun salutations to empowering warrior sequences and winds down with heart-opening Yin postures and a deeply restorative Savasana, leaving you feeling uplifted, centered, and fully in tune with your soul’s rhythm

Heart Chakra

  • Chakra: Heart 
  • Color: Green
  • The Heart Chakra, is the energy center of love, compassion, and inner peace. Located at the center of the chest, it governs our ability to give and receive love—both for ourselves and others. When balanced, the Heart Chakra fosters gratitude, connection, and contentment, allowing us to embrace life with openness and ease. Find joy in the present moment. 

Suggested Reading

The Yamas & Niyamas

The Yamas & Niyamas – Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practices

Quote of Week

— Deborah Adele

Playlist of the Week

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Lake Ann Community Yoga

Wander with Direction’s Earth Awakening Yoga Season, runs from February 18 to March 25.
Classes are held on Tuesday mornings at 9 AM at the Almira Town Hall.