Yoga Themes

Soulful Santosha Yoga Theme

Yoga Theme: Soulful Santosha

Soulful Santosha is a dynamic and heart-centered yoga flow designed to cultivate contentment and joy in the present moment. Rooted in the niyama of Santosha (contentment) and guided by the truth of Satya, this class invites you to “Let go, Let Flow.”

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Yoga Theme: Positive Vibration

This yoga practice focuses on harnessing the vibrant energy of the Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the abdomen. Representing personal power, confidence, and inner strength, this chakra is symbolized by a glowing yellow sun.

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Yoga Theme - Fly Me to the Moon

Yoga Theme: Fly Me to the Moon

Fly Me to the Moon is a unique yoga class designed to balance and energize your sacral chakra through moon-inspired poses and movements. This class integrates fluid, creative sequences that align with lunar rhythms, encouraging emotional release and fostering a sense of inner harmony.

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Focused Flow Yoga Theme

Yoga Theme: Focused Flow

Awaken your intuition and inner wisdom with “Focused Flow,” a class inspired by the third eye chakra. The sixth chakra, located between the brows, is the seat of insight, imagination, and clarity, associated with the color indigo and the element of light.

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Lotus Flow Yoga Theme

Yoga Theme: Lotus Flow

This week, we explore the reflective nature of the new year with Lotus Flow yoga theme which focuses on deepening our self-awareness and opening ourselves up so we can blossom into the best version of ourselves.

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